Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

I may not fly through dark stormy skies
Catching f...

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I may not fly through dark stormy skies
Catching frightful bullets in my hand
But I’ll always be your guardian
Behind you I’ll firmly take my stand

I may not bend shiny bars of steel
Or crush dangerous rocks into dust
But I’ll always be the strength you need
And be the man worthy of your trust

I may not shoot out red laser beams
Or see x-rays with my gentle eyes
But I’ll always watch and care for you
Patiently I’ll dry your saddest cries

I may not run as fast as sunlight
Or get there just in the nick of time
But I swear I’ll always come running
No matter what mountain I must climb

I’ll never have true superpowers
Or the gift of monumental strength
But I’ll do the best that I can do
Fight each night regardless of its length

I’ll show you just what one man can do
No real super powers will I need
My heart is enough to be the force
To accomplish each and every deed

Written April 3, 2021

Keep fighting.

#poems #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetryisnotdead #instapoetry #poetryofinstagram #poet #lovepoem

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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