Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

Fighting Mania

I see you coming
I know your price...

| know your price Nights spent sleepless Yet full of vice ative San ESM (eS) [coo ning movements Erupting Likes) (FULL POEM BELOW) A SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

Fighting Mania

I see you coming
I know your price
Nights spent sleepless
Yet full of vice

I love your high
The morning boost
Fresh ideas
All flight, no roost

Creative joys
Boundless desires
Rushing movements
Erupting fires

My manic friend
Hushes warnings
And doubt placates

No visit free
It claims its due
Exacting sums
Both old and new

For in its wake
Another stirs
A darkness bleak
With painful spurs

It takes its time
Flips upside down
Sucks out the air
Makes hope breakdown

A heavy price
To ride this ride
Depression comes
Soul-crushing tide

I am adrift
Floating at sea
Can't stop the high
Or with it plea

So do your worst
With manic burst
To steal the light
Leave me submersed

For just as sure
Each high will come
I have no doubt
You'll make me numb

But as each high
Meets bitter ends
The darkness too
Not long descends

There is a light
You cannot take
It guides me home
To new daybreak

For this I fight
I'll never quit
So take your toll
Demand your pit

For I can't fail
My spirit’s fit
I'll fight each day
To life commit

Written June 19, 2021
by Scott Ninneman

Read more poetry about mental and chronic illness on

Keep fighting.

#poem #poetry #amwritingpoetry #poet #poetisnotdead #lovepoem
#chronicillness #mentallillness #bipolarstrong #mentalhealthmatters #bipolar

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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