Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

Mania can be a battle, and while it can be difficu...


Mania can be a battle, and while it can be difficult to speak up about bipolar disorder, it shouldn't stop you from being honest about your journey. ⁣

Take inspiration from Scott Ninneman’s poem “Fighting Mania” and embrace the fight against manic episodes! ⁣

Read his work today and discover how speaking out about mental illness can lead to greater awareness and understanding. ⁣

The poem begins:⁣
I see you coming⁣
I know your price⁣
Nights spent sleepless ⁣
Yet full of vice⁣

I love your high⁣
The morning boost⁣
Fresh ideas ⁣
All flight, no roost⁣

Creative joys ⁣
Boundless desires ⁣
Rushing movements ⁣
Erupting fires...⁣

To read the rest, please click the link in my bio, and scroll down until you see this picture. Then click “Read Now”. Thank you!

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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