Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

Take my friend Emily (not her real name). For year...


Take my friend Emily (not her real name). For years, she agonized over the fact she couldn’t find a good husband. The more upset she got, the more isolated she became, which lead to comfort-food, binge eating and serious weight gain.

One day, Emily looked in the mirror and didn’t like her reflection. The realities of what she was doing finally clicked, and she took action.

Emily’s chief concern was to improve for herself. She wasn’t thinking about a potential husband or looking for admiration from her coworkers. She changed for herself because she didn’t like what she had become.

She started with walking and soon turned to running. Within six months, Emily took part in her first marathon. She didn’t win. In fact, she walked most of the route. She knew there was no chance she could win, but she wanted to prove to herself she could cross the finish line. When she did, she celebrated with some of the other runners.

Along the route, she met other runners who were also competing in their first marathon. Those brief introductions became strong friendships with people that had similar goals.

Emily competes in several marathons a year now. She has never finished first, but she’s now able to run most of the race with a body she’s happy to see in the mirror.

“It’s not about the race,” she told me recently. “It’s about the friends who run alongside me.”

Emily has those friends because she took action. Her action led her to happiness.

The more you take action, the more opportunities will open up to you. It’s impossible to know how your life will improve until you try to change.

Until next time, keep fighting.
Do you struggle to start each day with a positive mindset?

Learn to banish your negative thinking with my free Speaking Bipolar Positivity Club. Similar to this story, each weekday lesson includes an inspiring story and journal prompts to help you dive deeper. Link in bio.

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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