Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

When you have mental and/or chronic illness and th...


When you have mental and/or chronic illness and the bad days come in overwhelming quantities, it's hard to remember that good days are possible. Things always get better if we just hold on. Sometimes it's a matter of just trying to find humor in your life. Monday morning, I found myself lying on my bathroom floor as waves of nausea washed over me along with a cold sweat and a spinning room. In that moment, I started writing this silly poem. I hope you enjoy.

Oh Bathroom Floor, Save Me From This Life
Oh bathroom floor, my trusted friend, save me from this life. Hold me with your cold, damp touch, and make me feel alive.
Oh bathroom floor, I dream of you, while standing in the shower. Just moments more of sudsy tears, then to your arms I’ll bow.
Oh bathroom floor, you give me strength and help me to endure. When nausea flirts and spinning starts, you ease the troubled sea.

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#poem #poetry #spoonie #spoonielife #chronicillness #humor

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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