Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

You may have noticed my social media presence has ...


You may have noticed my social media presence has been pretty light the last few weeks. A special thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me. I’m good, but was incredibly busy.

I’m a tax preparer, and at times, taxes completely consume my life. While I mostly kept up with my Positivity Club, most of my social media accounts were neglected.

Tax season has FINALLY ended (can I get a hallelujah?) and I’ve gotten some much needed sleep. Now, I’m back in full swing creating online content.

Here on Instagram, I’ll continue to post inspirational quotes and links to posts on Speaking Bipolar.

In the Speaking Bipolar Positivity Club (link in bio), I’ll publish three positive posts each week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and an all things bipolar story on Sundays. The Club has both free and paid options.

If you’re looking for help to understand bipolar disorder or just needing some encouragement to see the good in life, the Speaking Bipolar Positivity Club is for you. Head over now and you’ll see what I mean.

Thank you for following my and my online content. I am grateful for every one of you.

Until next time, keep fighting.

#positivity #speakingbipolar #mentalhealth

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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