Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

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For everyone feeling invisible and lonely, I published this poem on Medium and YouTube. The complete poem is also below. Enjoy and know you're not alone. I see YOU. I see YOU Mother dear Weeping in the drink aisle No makeup on Hair barely combed Black …

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greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody. MAYA ANGELOU

It's too easy to hold on to grudges and hurt feelings. Sometimes holding on leads to a life sentence for the offending party. It's time to forgive and let go. Read more at: …

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Happy weekend! … SpeakingBipolar … Happy weekend!... …

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A few days late, but I finally turned the calendar at my one office. Hope everyone is having a great Thursday. … SpeakingBipolar … A few days late, but I finally turned the …

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From stories told, those old and few I followed blind, these tales of old Believed them all, defended bold I came to fear, these lovely woods I wouldn’t look in or take their goods To stay away, my distance wide And when too close, away I’d hide But then one day, I had no choice These woods called me with booming voice I stepped inside, my heart in fear Expecting worst and terror near
To conquer them was on my bill Once deep inside, what great surprise Great beauty found before my eyes Lush green and blue, abundant life Small streams and ponds, no sign of strife I stood in awe, could not believe That this I'd missed, made my heart grieve The truth I thought I'd always known Revealed as lies, deceit was sown Why this was hid, I couldn't conceive Who once inside, would ever leave?
And cried in pain, my heat forsook This beauty found, which so awed me Betrayed a lot and made me see Not every word should be believed Some things held off and not received I thought of those who fed me lies And wondered why thru sobbing cries This was a place no one should fear A place to sit and inside peer I wished to stay and never flee But thought of those still yet to see
And set a course these lies to fight For all should see this treasure grand Not live in fear, but take a stand January 6, 2005

A poem about questioning what you believe and the good that can result. #poem #poetsofinstagram #poems #poet #poetry … SpeakingBipolar … A poem about questioning what you believe and the …

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People Today A poem for all my fellow introverts SCOTT NINNEMAN
people today I don’t want to come out and play
travel outside I don’t want to confront the tide
see your outfit I don't want to know your secret
fake a nice smile I don’t want to hang out awhile
give you applause I don't want to obey your laws
get too upset I don't want to need to forget
give you a ride I don't want to protect your pride
stand in your line I don’t want to toast with red wine
I cannot play Please don’t make me people today

… glum Today’s too much, I cannot play Please don’t make me people today October 3, 2019 #poem #poems #poetry #poet …

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… sights of central Wisconsin gradually faded behind me, I watched expectantly for the mountains of Tennessee to break the horizon. My future was waiting for me there. I was young, optimistic, and fearless. And I knew …

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In case you need the reminder 💚 … SpeakingBipolar … In case you need the reminder ... …

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September 30th - the summer that will not end … SpeakingBipolar … September 30th - the summer that will not end... …

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If you're thinking about starting a blog, new to blogging, or have been blogging a while but feel a little stuck, these webinars are for you. The best part is they are both FREE. Sign up today. Click thru to register. …

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… lying on my bathroom floor as waves of nausea washed over me along with a cold sweat and a spinning room. In that … this silly poem. I hope you enjoy. Oh Bathroom Floor, Save Me From This Life Oh bathroom floor, my trusted friend, save me from this life. Hold me with your cold, damp touch, and …

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May your Friday be low-stress and full of smiles. … SpeakingBipolar … May your Friday be low-stress and full of smiles.... …

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It may sound silly, but sometimes I forget. Here's a reminder for anyone who needs it. … SpeakingBipolar … It may sound silly, but sometimes I forget. …

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someone, the way they hold their spoon will make you furious. If you do ltke them, they can turn their plate over in your lap, and you won't mind." - IRVING BECKER - las Ged Ae a >

Another blogger I follow used this quote in her newsletter last week. Since I read it, I haven’t been able to get the quote out of my mind.⁣ -⁣ The other blogger used the quote as a catalyst for discussing our relationships with others. Yet, the words …

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… was working today. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. … SpeakingBipolar … This was hanging over the …

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Does it matter if the people around you are positive or negative? What are the beneficial effects of positive thinking? Read this Monday Motivation post to answer those questions. | ⁣ -⁣ … …

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“Character cannot be KAU AOAC MINX CLES quiet. Only through AOA MIAO AICI M CLC) YAGER strengthened, ambition inspired, a SY TARAx) ra if

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ -⁣ …

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Motivation Slebeaelenetelae By Positive mero} o) Ks Ae

Does it matter if the people around you are positive or negative? What are the beneficial effects of positive thinking? Read this Monday Motivation post to answer those questions. | ⁣ -⁣ … …

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“No one ever said learning was to be easy, but it’s part of the process of evolving as a human being, and we all have to go through it. When I look back, I see that each difficult time brought an important lesson. And I prefer to look at it with EERE because I wouldn't be vho|! Coy mKeloE Naty " ya aay

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal intoa feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” - bg

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Onn. a JOHN F. KENNEDY

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life. - - - …

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e° : a cS VE e agh Lar ne, a NTT age of 18, $e pi E up my matty to never’. ° BS CBT dio tates re aia in, ° aN att ae Bes oe Paco F a) “ me eer yi SC ec TD tlw eee hal % » y Roe oo » be ce ( 4 an) LJ , es c

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, wornor consumed. Happiness ig the Spiritual experience offliving every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” DENIS WAITLEY

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life. - - - …

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goes out and the tide of love rushes in.” DGS Ea ea ed RC]

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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13/0, WWW.SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM ] S} “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” ais aa ‘

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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extraordinary moments to find happiness - it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” BRENE BROWN

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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“Feeling gratitude and not express gst 1S ~ giving it.” ie” WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD &~

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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oy: = to 7 happy.”

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is.a step toward. mete: (hie bayc pcre vat-idsb ate a bigger and better than your current Situation.” BRIAN TRACY

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ ⁣ -⁣ ⁣ …

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transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” — “ea eee ea ae WILLIAM ARTHUR WARD

It's hard to stay positive when you have a mental or other⁣ chronic illness. Gratitude can help. Achieve an attitude of gratitude with⁣ these 15 inspirational quotes with ideas of how to apply them in your life.⁣ -⁣ …

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