Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

For everyone feeling invisible and lonely, I publi...


For everyone feeling invisible and lonely, I published this poem on Medium and YouTube. The complete poem is also below. Enjoy and know you're not alone. I see YOU.

I see YOU
Mother dear
Weeping in the drink aisle
No makeup on
Hair barely combed
Black circles show no sleep

I see YOU
Lonely boy
The demons came at night
You cry for strength
Cold earnest angst
Repeated silently

I see YOU
Teenage girl
Muted tears don’t fall free
Their mocking stings
Demands its price
Proves rock you’re meant to be

I see YOU
Aging man
No kids to call your own
There seemed the time
To get it right
Now those days nearly gone

I see YOU
Working mom
Arriving home half-dead
The chores still call
They must be fed
Your needs you push aside

I see YOU
Single dad
Spending each night alone
The TV glows
Cold beer numbs
Afraid, you just don’t call

I see YOU
Waitress worn
Trying to hide your bruise
Life batters you
Dismantles pride
Still here you work each day

I see YOU
Homeless vet
Country’s forgotten son
The war still looms
In darkened eyes
You’ve never made it home

I see YOU
Teacher there
You watch your students close
You see they don’t
Eat near enough
Your heart you always share

I see YOU
Single gal
Believing he means ‘love’
That emptiness
That gnaws your soul
I’ve felt its hunger too

I see YOU
Stolid jock
Nothing can injure you
You run the field
Catch ev’ry ball
Fight solitude word-free

I see YOU
Grandma, too
White hair is perfect set
You bake your love
Comfort and hug
Pop pain pills in the dark

I see YOU
Faithful soul
Trying to lead the sheep
The scriptures speak
In hushed belief
Yet doubt still lingers near

I see YOU
Each bruised man
Each woman fighting scared
I see your pain
I cry your tears
Please know you’re not alone

I see YOU — by Scott Ninneman
December 24, 2019

#poem #poetry #poet #encouragement #loneliness #faith

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Photo of SpeakingBipolar Until next time, keep fighting. Scott
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