Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

Be kind to yourself. You wouldn't expect to be fun...

Profile picture for user Guy
Mastery in Bipolar requires _ knowing that when your mood is © low, you Can't trust your mind. ct Accepting that a low mood will lead to a less productive day. be CMY ‘at Sede em to Bereta US i After all, you can only do the “« best you can with what you've got. So be kind to yourself. @RIDINGBIPOLAR a “a NA
journey, I'd refuse to accept the limitations that come with Bipolar. | thought | would be able to bargain my way out of it. "If | do X, Y and Z - then I'll be able to avoid ever getting depressed.” er TTT
made things worse. | realised after a while that sometimes the best thing to do is rest. | call it recovery mode. That pushing against, denial, frustration... ls toxic and ultimately zaps any energy you have left. er TN TTT
platform for us all. Inc forums, memes, videos, books, Spotify playlists, mood journaling and Bipolar courses. My own course will be everything I've learned from self development books, psycho educational groups and experience. 20 years condensed into 8hrs. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
If you would, I'd love your support and encouragement. Just give me a follow and elm IM Cavey W Wala mtat-b Van ready. er TTT
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Photo of Guy "The only permanence in this universe is the law of impermanence." - Buddha
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