Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

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Apply what resonates, throw away what doesn't. Only you can build you, develop your own perceptions and mindset. That which governs the way you feel. So stand guard at the doorway to your mind. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
The answer to the question "What would | say to myself 13 years ago?” When | had my first major episode. Summarising the best of what I've learnt from various sources. | was diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1. Meaning | experience psychosis and mania. er TTT
really cool to have a platform for us to discuss all things Bipolar. So £50k of web development later, it's almost ready & It has a mood journal (inc sharing with members), forums, IG style posts, Apple music, Spotify playlists, podcasts and the course itself. er TTT
Give me a follow if you would. That way you'll know as soon as they're ready for you. I'd greatly appreciate the encouragement too J. I'm genuinely hoping that this project isn't my latest grandiose idea. er TT

… it to your story 😉 . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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: , ) ~< When we begin:to observe } es ae atom Ue (611) * instead of believing every Oem Ute We are no longer trapped ~ =A oy a tat-la0e
thought. Going from one thought CoM twats A MeO E-LULOm le The assumption that every thought is fact, leads us to tremendous suffering. To break through from that suffering, mindfulness is critical. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
attention from the mind and towards one of our senses. Hearing, smelling, breathing, body sensations, sight... This creates the space we need to begin to observe thoughts as opposed to becoming embroiled. er TT
from thought and into the present, leads to a reduction in the energy that my thoughts have. This stillness then leads to clarity and a primarily calm centered state. Being the ongoing goal. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
learnt into a several hour video exelUl Eee The topics that the course will incorporate are self-development, spirituality, therapy groups and lived experience. er TTT
"what would | say to my younger self?” I've also nearly finished developing an online platform for us. Inc mood journaling, other people's courses, forums, Spotify playlists... It will also be available as an app in the play store and app store. er TTT
If you'd be interested in all this when it is ready, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it is ready. | would really appreciate your encouragement and support too. ny er TT

… appreciated 🙏 . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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Mastery in Bipolar requires _ knowing that when your mood is © low, you Can't trust your mind. ct Accepting that a low mood will lead to a less productive day. be CMY ‘at Sede em to Bereta US i After all, you can only do the “« best you can with what you've got. So be kind to yourself. @RIDINGBIPOLAR a “a NA
journey, I'd refuse to accept the limitations that come with Bipolar. | thought | would be able to bargain my way out of it. "If | do X, Y and Z - then I'll be able to avoid ever getting depressed.” er TTT
made things worse. | realised after a while that sometimes the best thing to do is rest. | call it recovery mode. That pushing against, denial, frustration... ls toxic and ultimately zaps any energy you have left. er TN TTT
platform for us all. Inc forums, memes, videos, books, Spotify playlists, mood journaling and Bipolar courses. My own course will be everything I've learned from self development books, psycho educational groups and experience. 20 years condensed into 8hrs. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
If you would, I'd love your support and encouragement. Just give me a follow and elm IM Cavey W Wala mtat-b Van ready. er TTT

… and support. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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strength whilst in a depressive episode. It helps me remember all the dark times I've made it through. All the priceless memories I've been blessed with between the swings. er TN TT
darkness by accident. | read, watched and listened to God knows how much. | also attended every psycho educational group on offer from our national health service. | want to condence everything into a video series. er TTT
Give me a follow, so that you know MLNS IMA) ARM CECLON A BRIM Neel e\e CNM OCOULOM Emel crcl ih EY NCHE Tem OC OMRON (Oa rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… sounds of interest. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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~ The'ealm before Massive Action! @RIDINGBIPOLAR
always pass. Procrastination passes. Exhaustion and brain fog passes. Ultimately we can only do the best we can with what we've got. Trying to do more than that causes stress. Stress triggers mood swings. @ridingbipolar
is brain chemistry. Our cognitive functioning (processing and problem solving), becomes impaired. You're not doing anything wrong when a task makes you feel paralysed or it's impossible. | feel like | just don't have access to my mind. Like there's nothing there. @ridingbipolar
MSEISMU a ee ON are LLL depression, in the end, comes a higher mood. So | accept depression as a time for calm. To regroup and recharge. Knowing that | can play catch up on my todo list when my mood lifts. @ridingbipolar
video series presenting the best of what I've learnt. | want to take you to the darkest sides of Bipolar and back again. Basically what I'd say to my younger self on discharge from hospital. Try and speed up the road to recovery. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARE CECLON A The encouragement would be greatly EY CHE eMC OMOLM (Lei rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… comes up with. . . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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oT eee
studied all the strategies | could, to help manage the condition. | read lots and went to psycho educational groups. Any knowledge | could get my hands on. It was clear that my current way wasn't working. @ridingbipolar
video series presenting the best of what I've learnt. | want to take you to the darkest sides of Bipolar and back again. Basically what I'd say to my younger self on discharge from hospital. Try and speed up the road to recovery. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARM CECLON The encouragement would be greatly EYEE Cem ||MO MORO (Lai 1 If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… to mind :): . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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when we're in the middle of it. We also know from experience that they pass. | think living with Bipolar requires spiritual toughness. Distance between who we really are, the observer of thought and the constant noise of the LF @ridingbipolar
| refused to accept that Bipolar would rob me of my ambitions. | searched for strategies to manage the condition. Put lots of books in my head and went to psycho educational groups. | want to condence it all into a book and video series. What I'd say to myself when discharged. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARM CECLON The encouragement would be greatly EYEE Cem ||MO MORO (Lai 1 If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… mood is off center. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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~~ extreme moods quicker and more peacefully, than any amount of Thinking @ridingbipolar
Bipolar type 1. Managing it has required learning lots and applying it consistently. | got to thinking, what would I say to my younger self on discharge from hospital? To speed up the road to recovery. Then | got it in my head that perhaps it would be of help and interest to others. @ridingbipolar
If you'd be interested in this, give me a follow. That way you'll know when they come out. Also, | got a little over excited. Invested £1000s and developed us a community platform. Oops! So | hope you like it when it's Ccy-Te Ne @ridingbipolar

… it to your story . . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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and am hugely productive. Everything feels possible. When depressed, | feel like all things are beyond reach. Pa ESR Come TaN p lasts. | a eS ekg calm a: =s Sarees esa Nennury ice : SS Ocrmcny
conversation determines our emotions and life experience. Both lite Tem UCM BMIEL UR) mS) Oe So when I'm up, | make the most of it. Get as much as possible. AW iTeeM Mim (OOOO me mls much done and have patience. @ridingbipolar
can with what we've got. If | put pressure on myself to do more than that, it generates stress and ELAN Both things will only prolong the path ele @CRee ae @ridingbipolar
refused to accept that my ambitions CON Oca oN CA oO 8 To get on top of things I've had to learn and grow. Make changes that encourage wellness | guess. | want to condence the best of what I've learnt into videos and a book. @ridingbipolar
(neuro linguistic programming), STM IN MEL MOLMLUUs HNC LTOM NCL to psycho educational groups. For me it's been the integration of those topics that helps me achieve wellness. Well most of the time. @ridingbipolar
If you'd be interested in this, give me a follow. That way you'll know when LTV ARO IROL | may also have got a little over excited with all this and have invested £1000s into building us a community platform. Oops! & @ridingbipolar

… the mood strikes 😂 . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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Bipolar life experience, becomes our EXPERIENCE. Ts PO eo
what you can't do, will only serve to exhaust your energy and prolong recovery. This is a mental illness that can impair our mental abilities. It's not your fault if you can't get as much done as normal. Treat yourself like someone you love and care about. With kindness. @ridingbipolar
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. . Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… as they say. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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ome s OC PA\ Tele a Colle i Ee aati ra So We Become. ; You Will Never Rise |
all living our own movie. Where we get to choose the cast and what the main character does. | find thinking of it this way can give me courage and determination, when moods are extreme and times are tough. @ridingbipolar
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated ,. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… Something wanted. . . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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Be careful. of what you say to yourself ® when your depressed. You think no s OTS listening Tee = Ds | eee id i Pe i = mee important ‘than what others sat to you. Your words will shape ra experience. @ridingbipolar
it comes to inner conversation. It's like | have a bully in my head. The best thing | practice doing, is techniques that make it easier to laugh at the BS it comes out with. It takes learning how to quiet your mind the moment you become aware of the bully. @ridingbipolar
years. Read a load of books and been on therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated ,. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… it is everything. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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mit Always Seems =s essa = = @ridingbipolar
time out to create a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. I've studied a lot of self-development, spirituality, Bipolar, NLP been on some groups and had a long stay in hospital. @ridingbipolar
support with a follow and like. I've put more detailed info on the website. :): @ridingbipolar

… I'm feeling stuck. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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SUCCESS in BIPOLAR consists of going through SWING to SWING mie a hj ENTHUSIASM @ridingbipolar
things at different times: - leaving your room - getting washed and dressed - eating - making a decision - raising a family - holding down a job - contacting an old friend or two @ridingbipolar
things at different times: - surviving another tough day - attending an appointment - giving myself permission to stop and recover Be kind to yourself SUCCESS is relative to MOOD. @ridingbipolar
had a major episode, experiencing for the first time depression, acute anxiety, mania and psychosis. Not going to lie, it's been really tough adapting to Bipolar. It's taken a lot of effort and continual blind faith that things will work out. @ridingbipolar
experience and insights into a book, video series and Zoom group style course. My mindset with itis a combination of the self-development genre, spirituality, law of attraction, NLP and psycho therapy groups. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated ,. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… in my experience. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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Ree sea esi how |
series and a small Zoom group style course. Details on the website. A mix of past experiences for context and then how | practically apply what I've learnt. | do tend to make people laugh with the way | talk about. Laugh or cry, right? :): @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… it is not. . 🤷‍♂️ . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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Bipolar depression? itch, dont ‘ei , v LUNE
brings me to a complete stop, it's hard to get going. Everything feels so difficult and anxiety provoking. In recent weeks, | felt like someone had turned the gravity up because all movement was so exhausting @RIDINGBIPOLAR
itch. That inner nudge. Something like "well | could do X @" Whatever that thing is, | act on it immediately. Before the moment eet tow Anything from taking mugs to the kitchen. Having a shower. Working on a project. Calling that friend. Anything. or TTT
amount of time. It always comes through in the end. What It boils down to is that any amount of progress releases feel good chemicals in the brain. | also find that through progress, however small, | get momentum to do something else. er TT
been creating a platform for us. Over £45k of web development hrs has been invested. One idea led to another. It includes mood journaling, forums, audio playlists for music and podcasts, posts, YouTube videos... Also available as an app. For fellow campaigners, you can automatically import your Instagram posts for a greater reach. ee TN TTT
creating an online course about riding bipolar. After my first major episode, | felt so lost and unable to articulate what | was going through. | just had nothing to go on. So the course will include the best of what I've learnt. What I'd say to my younger self at that point of the journey. 13 years ago. Try speed recovery up a little. ee TTT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know as soon as It's ready. | would really appreciate the encouragement. | hope this isn't some grandiose idea that I've got carried away with @ Likes and shares would be good too. er TTT

… you're interested. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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struggle with socialising. The first week or so of January, | commit to doing the bare minimum. | instead do the most relaxing things possible. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
Ideally meditation/mindfulness. It feels like | restore balance. | think of it as recovery mode. Could call it recharging. Others | know call it duvet days. Well that's got me the best results. Giving myself permission to rest. er TT
platform for us to help each other. Invested over £40k of development hours. One thing led to another. It includes posts, forum topics, Spotify playlists for music and podcasts, YouTube videos and books. For fellow campaigners, you can also automatically import your IG posts for a greater reach. er TTT
Give me a follow. That way you'll know as soon as it goes live. I'd greatly appreciate the encouragement too. After the platform is live I'll focus on doing an online course to help us ride bipolar. SESS-Ta1 rel WWAU Tea ke sy- WYO LaDy X- Ol discharge. ee TTT

… be appreciated. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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One day, your story |~ will be someone else's survival guide. OO Tea
discharged from hospital. | was crawling the web for information about this Bipolar. This guy wrote about how he'd believed he was Jesus. Here to save the day. The detail that he wrote in confirmed that I'm not alone in the madness I'd experienced. It was pretty liberating. ee TTT
believe we could all benefit from the platform I've been developing. It has: - mood journalling - forums - podcasts - books - videos - courses - IG style posts - Apple music playlists - Spotify playlists... er TTT
make a resource together that will benefit us now and for future generations. Driven by a common goal of supporting, normalising and de-stigmatising Bipolar. The platform has taken a year and is almost ready. er TN TTT
If you want to come and join this campaign, give me a follow. That way you'll know as soon as It is ready. I'd also love the encouragement. Once the platform is ready, | plan on developing a course that will also be available on the website. er TTT

… irresistible offer. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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psycho educational courses, is the people you meet. The discussions that are had during the breaks of a course. Those discussions can help more than the course itself. Realising first hand that other people are experiencing the same thing. or TTT
building us a platform. Over £45k of web development hours has been invested. There are forums, Spotify and Apple playlists, posts, podcasts, books, chat... Also a mood journal. My hope is that together we can create a powerful resource for the generations that follow. er TTT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it's ready. I'd really appreciate the encouragement. Kinda hoping this hasn't been a grandiose obsession. If you think your followers would be interested, post this to your story. er TT

… and encouragement. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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you spend in the PAST the less time you have to enjoy the asa @RIDINGBIPOLAR
| wouldn't even notice | was replaying stuff until my anxiety levels were peaked. | would end up spending hours in my head, re-feeling the same emotions. That same state. It was EXHAUSTING! @RIDINGBIPOLAR
power to break the cycle through conditioning. The power to change the flow my inner conversations. | made it my mission to interrupt the flow, from the moment | catch my mind travelling down an unwanted path. This is too much for slides. Read the caption :): @RIDINGBIPOLAR
building us a platform. Over £45k of web development hours has been invested. There are forums, Spotify and Apple playlists, posts, podcasts, books, chat... Also a mood journal. My hope is that together we can create a powerful resource for the generations that follow. ee TT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it's ready. I'd really appreciate the encouragement. Kinda hoping this hasn't been a grandiose obsession. If you think your followers would be interested, post this to your story. er TT

… your story ❤️❤️❤️ . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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accept and survive, clinical depression and acute anxiety. For what you resist, persists. @ridingbipolar
change in my external world. Blind faith throughout that it will pass. Just had to keep doing anything but nothing. With every day, feeling disappointed and frustrated that | was depressed for another day @ridingbipolar
lifted, with no change to my external world. I've done more work in the last 2 days, than in a month. Not just done but have been completely at one with researching and implementing very technical stuff. @ridingbipolar
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. . Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… than boredom.  . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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me the mostiwhenfit comes to Bipolar: | acceptedthe role Bipolar would eat my life and that it was chronic. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
happy about. It doesn't mean you can't have a preference towards something else. It just means seeing it as it is, not worst than it is. Realising we just have to deal with it as best as possible. oN TOY
chronic means life long, persistent. It's nothing to do with severity. Although when things are severe, they're severe. There are also periods of stability. Moods change. Even when we're stuck in a depressive mood for years. Still, they pass in time. oO
darkness by accident. | read, watched and listened to God knows how much. | also attended every psycho educational group on offer from our national health service. | want to condence everything into a video series. er TTT
Give me a follow, so that you know MLNS IMA) ARM CECLON A BRIM Neel e\e CNM OCOULOM Emel crcl ih EY NCHE Tem OC OMRON (Oa rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… when they're ready. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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—_ Is the Average Person ath Laser Focus,
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. . Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… and there too :): . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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learned for managing Bipolar is this. When | give something my attention, I'm exchanging energy. The movies we play out in our minds eye are everything. Some things drain me but some fill me up. (more in caption) @ridingbipolar
for about 12 years. | felt so lost and out of control at the beginning. | still battle with mood swings. However there are things that have made it more manageable. My mind is set on developing a book, video series and a Zoom course. @ridingbipolar
extreme experiences. Not just how | live with it. Would you be interested? If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when they're ready. I'd also greatly appreciate the encouragement. @ridingbipolar

… and saves tbf. :(: . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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through a Sometimes nea believing that I'm the he and modern day Jesus. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
for a couple of images. Checkout the caption. @ridingbipolar
studied all the strategies | could, to help manage the condition. | read lots and went to psycho educational groups. Any knowledge | could get my hands on. It was clear that my current way wasn't working. @ridingbipolar
video series presenting the best of what I've learnt. | want to take you to the darkest sides of Bipolar and back again. Basically what I'd say to my younger self on discharge from hospital. Try and speed up the road to recovery. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARE CECLON A The encouragement would be greatly EY CHE eMC OMOLM (Lei rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… writing it though :): . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness #bipolarquotes …

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