Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

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The Importance of Following Your Treatment Plan

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11 Common Symptoms To Understand Could It Be Bipolar Disorder?

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Into Your Daily Life Take Control of Your Bipolar Disorder SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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Disorder? Understand the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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Habits Into Daily Life With Bipolar Disorder ae ieee SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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15 Powerful Songs That Move My Heart Every Time

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‘A1OIXUV Jejodig Janbuoy

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Unique Journeys of Those Living with Mental Illness

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* My Bipolar Story: Watching a Meltdown and Opening Up In Group Therapy *& x KK te il Surviving Bipolar | Part 13

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Conquer Bipolar Anxiety ae . SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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Anxiety: 9 Proven Tips SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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Bipolar Disorder? Understand the Symptoms of Bipolar Iie) celela SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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How To Fit More Good Habits Into Daily Life With Bipolar Disorder

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k) 7 ais Can | Positivity Be Toxic?

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=) DMS DBR EF Symptom Checklist FREE PRINTABLE

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Bipolar Anxiety Cr oe KONV.- 10 OS SPEAKINGBIPOLAR.COM

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21 Smart Ways To Reduce the Effects of Bipolar Disorder on Everyday Life FREE PRINTABLE

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Conquer Bipolar Anxiety: 9 Proven Tips

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Apply what resonates, throw away what doesn't. Only you can build you, develop your own perceptions and mindset. That which governs the way you feel. So stand guard at the doorway to your mind. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
The answer to the question "What would | say to myself 13 years ago?” When | had my first major episode. Summarising the best of what I've learnt from various sources. | was diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1. Meaning | experience psychosis and mania. er TTT
really cool to have a platform for us to discuss all things Bipolar. So £50k of web development later, it's almost ready & It has a mood journal (inc sharing with members), forums, IG style posts, Apple music, Spotify playlists, podcasts and the course itself. er TTT
Give me a follow if you would. That way you'll know as soon as they're ready for you. I'd greatly appreciate the encouragement too J. I'm genuinely hoping that this project isn't my latest grandiose idea. er TT

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: , ) ~< When we begin:to observe } es ae atom Ue (611) * instead of believing every Oem Ute We are no longer trapped ~ =A oy a tat-la0e
thought. Going from one thought CoM twats A MeO E-LULOm le The assumption that every thought is fact, leads us to tremendous suffering. To break through from that suffering, mindfulness is critical. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
attention from the mind and towards one of our senses. Hearing, smelling, breathing, body sensations, sight... This creates the space we need to begin to observe thoughts as opposed to becoming embroiled. er TT
from thought and into the present, leads to a reduction in the energy that my thoughts have. This stillness then leads to clarity and a primarily calm centered state. Being the ongoing goal. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
learnt into a several hour video exelUl Eee The topics that the course will incorporate are self-development, spirituality, therapy groups and lived experience. er TTT
"what would | say to my younger self?” I've also nearly finished developing an online platform for us. Inc mood journaling, other people's courses, forums, Spotify playlists... It will also be available as an app in the play store and app store. er TTT
If you'd be interested in all this when it is ready, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it is ready. | would really appreciate your encouragement and support too. ny er TT

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Mastery in Bipolar requires _ knowing that when your mood is © low, you Can't trust your mind. ct Accepting that a low mood will lead to a less productive day. be CMY ‘at Sede em to Bereta US i After all, you can only do the “« best you can with what you've got. So be kind to yourself. @RIDINGBIPOLAR a “a NA
journey, I'd refuse to accept the limitations that come with Bipolar. | thought | would be able to bargain my way out of it. "If | do X, Y and Z - then I'll be able to avoid ever getting depressed.” er TTT
made things worse. | realised after a while that sometimes the best thing to do is rest. | call it recovery mode. That pushing against, denial, frustration... ls toxic and ultimately zaps any energy you have left. er TN TTT
platform for us all. Inc forums, memes, videos, books, Spotify playlists, mood journaling and Bipolar courses. My own course will be everything I've learned from self development books, psycho educational groups and experience. 20 years condensed into 8hrs. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
If you would, I'd love your support and encouragement. Just give me a follow and elm IM Cavey W Wala mtat-b Van ready. er TTT

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strength whilst in a depressive episode. It helps me remember all the dark times I've made it through. All the priceless memories I've been blessed with between the swings. er TN TT
darkness by accident. | read, watched and listened to God knows how much. | also attended every psycho educational group on offer from our national health service. | want to condence everything into a video series. er TTT
Give me a follow, so that you know MLNS IMA) ARM CECLON A BRIM Neel e\e CNM OCOULOM Emel crcl ih EY NCHE Tem OC OMRON (Oa rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

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~ The'ealm before Massive Action! @RIDINGBIPOLAR
always pass. Procrastination passes. Exhaustion and brain fog passes. Ultimately we can only do the best we can with what we've got. Trying to do more than that causes stress. Stress triggers mood swings. @ridingbipolar
is brain chemistry. Our cognitive functioning (processing and problem solving), becomes impaired. You're not doing anything wrong when a task makes you feel paralysed or it's impossible. | feel like | just don't have access to my mind. Like there's nothing there. @ridingbipolar
MSEISMU a ee ON are LLL depression, in the end, comes a higher mood. So | accept depression as a time for calm. To regroup and recharge. Knowing that | can play catch up on my todo list when my mood lifts. @ridingbipolar
video series presenting the best of what I've learnt. | want to take you to the darkest sides of Bipolar and back again. Basically what I'd say to my younger self on discharge from hospital. Try and speed up the road to recovery. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARE CECLON A The encouragement would be greatly EY CHE eMC OMOLM (Lei rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

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