Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

Getting going again when coming out of a depressiv...

Profile picture for user Guy
Bipolar depression? itch, dont ‘ei , v LUNE
brings me to a complete stop, it's hard to get going. Everything feels so difficult and anxiety provoking. In recent weeks, | felt like someone had turned the gravity up because all movement was so exhausting @RIDINGBIPOLAR
itch. That inner nudge. Something like "well | could do X @" Whatever that thing is, | act on it immediately. Before the moment eet tow Anything from taking mugs to the kitchen. Having a shower. Working on a project. Calling that friend. Anything. or TTT
amount of time. It always comes through in the end. What It boils down to is that any amount of progress releases feel good chemicals in the brain. | also find that through progress, however small, | get momentum to do something else. er TT
been creating a platform for us. Over £45k of web development hrs has been invested. One idea led to another. It includes mood journaling, forums, audio playlists for music and podcasts, posts, YouTube videos... Also available as an app. For fellow campaigners, you can automatically import your Instagram posts for a greater reach. ee TN TTT
creating an online course about riding bipolar. After my first major episode, | felt so lost and unable to articulate what | was going through. | just had nothing to go on. So the course will include the best of what I've learnt. What I'd say to my younger self at that point of the journey. 13 years ago. Try speed recovery up a little. ee TTT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know as soon as It's ready. | would really appreciate the encouragement. | hope this isn't some grandiose idea that I've got carried away with @ Likes and shares would be good too. er TTT

Getting going again when coming out of a depressive episode is really really difficult. It takes everything I have tbh.

I tend to start with anything that feels doable. Trusting that one action gives me a little energy. A sense of achievement and that releases feel good chemicals in my brain. That can give me what I need for the next task.

Each action acts like a springboard to more action for me.

Eventually I'm in full motion again. Well until the next swing at least. Nature of the beast and all that.


I'm really excited about the platform and course. I've been pencilling out the course and working on the platform since lockdown.

I had to learn and implement strategies and techniques to ride this illness. Like, a lot of them. Daily.

The course will contain everything I've found of help since my first major episode. I'm type 1 btw.

I hope everyone likes it and this isn't just a grandiose idea of mine. (It's possible 🙈)

Give me a follow if you're interested.
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Photo of Guy "The only permanence in this universe is the law of impermanence." - Buddha
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