Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

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ive as if y : forever.

… & Learn! Shoutout to current and past AOLCC students. • Follow @aolccabbotsford for more ❤️ • Like / Comment / Tag 💬 …

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you spend in the PAST the less time you have to enjoy the asa @RIDINGBIPOLAR
| wouldn't even notice | was replaying stuff until my anxiety levels were peaked. | would end up spending hours in my head, re-feeling the same emotions. That same state. It was EXHAUSTING! @RIDINGBIPOLAR
power to break the cycle through conditioning. The power to change the flow my inner conversations. | made it my mission to interrupt the flow, from the moment | catch my mind travelling down an unwanted path. This is too much for slides. Read the caption :): @RIDINGBIPOLAR
building us a platform. Over £45k of web development hours has been invested. There are forums, Spotify and Apple playlists, posts, podcasts, books, chat... Also a mood journal. My hope is that together we can create a powerful resource for the generations that follow. ee TT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it's ready. I'd really appreciate the encouragement. Kinda hoping this hasn't been a grandiose obsession. If you think your followers would be interested, post this to your story. er TT

… in any of this, I'd love your support via a like and follow. That way, you'll know as soon as they're ready for …

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me the mostiwhenfit comes to Bipolar: | acceptedthe role Bipolar would eat my life and that it was chronic. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
happy about. It doesn't mean you can't have a preference towards something else. It just means seeing it as it is, not worst than it is. Realising we just have to deal with it as best as possible. oN TOY
chronic means life long, persistent. It's nothing to do with severity. Although when things are severe, they're severe. There are also periods of stability. Moods change. Even when we're stuck in a depressive mood for years. Still, they pass in time. oO
darkness by accident. | read, watched and listened to God knows how much. | also attended every psycho educational group on offer from our national health service. | want to condence everything into a video series. er TTT
Give me a follow, so that you know MLNS IMA) ARM CECLON A BRIM Neel e\e CNM OCOULOM Emel crcl ih EY NCHE Tem OC OMRON (Oa rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… by Bipolar? I'm developing one and it's awesome! Give me a follow. That way you'll know when they're ready. . . . . …

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learned for managing Bipolar is this. When | give something my attention, I'm exchanging energy. The movies we play out in our minds eye are everything. Some things drain me but some fill me up. (more in caption) @ridingbipolar
for about 12 years. | felt so lost and out of control at the beginning. | still battle with mood swings. However there are things that have made it more manageable. My mind is set on developing a book, video series and a Zoom course. @ridingbipolar
extreme experiences. Not just how | live with it. Would you be interested? If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when they're ready. I'd also greatly appreciate the encouragement. @ridingbipolar

… I don't have to think about time. If you think people who follow you would be interested in this post, share this on …

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