Moods are like clouds in the sky - .
They come and go

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mit Always Seems =s essa = = @ridingbipolar
time out to create a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. I've studied a lot of self-development, spirituality, Bipolar, NLP been on some groups and had a long stay in hospital. @ridingbipolar
support with a follow and like. I've put more detailed info on the website. :): @ridingbipolar

… and energy, when I'm feeling stuck. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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SUCCESS in BIPOLAR consists of going through SWING to SWING mie a hj ENTHUSIASM @ridingbipolar
things at different times: - leaving your room - getting washed and dressed - eating - making a decision - raising a family - holding down a job - contacting an old friend or two @ridingbipolar
things at different times: - surviving another tough day - attending an appointment - giving myself permission to stop and recover Be kind to yourself SUCCESS is relative to MOOD. @ridingbipolar
had a major episode, experiencing for the first time depression, acute anxiety, mania and psychosis. Not going to lie, it's been really tough adapting to Bipolar. It's taken a lot of effort and continual blind faith that things will work out. @ridingbipolar
experience and insights into a book, video series and Zoom group style course. My mindset with itis a combination of the self-development genre, spirituality, law of attraction, NLP and psycho therapy groups. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated ,. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… harm than good in my experience. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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Ree sea esi how |
series and a small Zoom group style course. Details on the website. A mix of past experiences for context and then how | practically apply what I've learnt. | do tend to make people laugh with the way | talk about. Laugh or cry, right? :): @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… and sometimes it is not. . 🤷‍♂️ . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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One day, your story |~ will be someone else's survival guide. OO Tea
discharged from hospital. | was crawling the web for information about this Bipolar. This guy wrote about how he'd believed he was Jesus. Here to save the day. The detail that he wrote in confirmed that I'm not alone in the madness I'd experienced. It was pretty liberating. ee TTT
believe we could all benefit from the platform I've been developing. It has: - mood journalling - forums - podcasts - books - videos - courses - IG style posts - Apple music playlists - Spotify playlists... er TTT
make a resource together that will benefit us now and for future generations. Driven by a common goal of supporting, normalising and de-stigmatising Bipolar. The platform has taken a year and is almost ready. er TN TTT
If you want to come and join this campaign, give me a follow. That way you'll know as soon as It is ready. I'd also love the encouragement. Once the platform is ready, | plan on developing a course that will also be available on the website. er TTT

… going with an irresistible offer. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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psycho educational courses, is the people you meet. The discussions that are had during the breaks of a course. Those discussions can help more than the course itself. Realising first hand that other people are experiencing the same thing. or TTT
building us a platform. Over £45k of web development hours has been invested. There are forums, Spotify and Apple playlists, posts, podcasts, books, chat... Also a mood journal. My hope is that together we can create a powerful resource for the generations that follow. er TTT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it's ready. I'd really appreciate the encouragement. Kinda hoping this hasn't been a grandiose obsession. If you think your followers would be interested, post this to your story. er TT

… your support and encouragement. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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you spend in the PAST the less time you have to enjoy the asa @RIDINGBIPOLAR
| wouldn't even notice | was replaying stuff until my anxiety levels were peaked. | would end up spending hours in my head, re-feeling the same emotions. That same state. It was EXHAUSTING! @RIDINGBIPOLAR
power to break the cycle through conditioning. The power to change the flow my inner conversations. | made it my mission to interrupt the flow, from the moment | catch my mind travelling down an unwanted path. This is too much for slides. Read the caption :): @RIDINGBIPOLAR
building us a platform. Over £45k of web development hours has been invested. There are forums, Spotify and Apple playlists, posts, podcasts, books, chat... Also a mood journal. My hope is that together we can create a powerful resource for the generations that follow. ee TT
If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when it's ready. I'd really appreciate the encouragement. Kinda hoping this hasn't been a grandiose obsession. If you think your followers would be interested, post this to your story. er TT

… even post it to your story ❤️❤️❤️ . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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accept and survive, clinical depression and acute anxiety. For what you resist, persists. @ridingbipolar
change in my external world. Blind faith throughout that it will pass. Just had to keep doing anything but nothing. With every day, feeling disappointed and frustrated that | was depressed for another day @ridingbipolar
lifted, with no change to my external world. I've done more work in the last 2 days, than in a month. Not just done but have been completely at one with researching and implementing very technical stuff. @ridingbipolar
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. . Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… Anything is better than boredom.  . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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me the mostiwhenfit comes to Bipolar: | acceptedthe role Bipolar would eat my life and that it was chronic. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
happy about. It doesn't mean you can't have a preference towards something else. It just means seeing it as it is, not worst than it is. Realising we just have to deal with it as best as possible. oN TOY
chronic means life long, persistent. It's nothing to do with severity. Although when things are severe, they're severe. There are also periods of stability. Moods change. Even when we're stuck in a depressive mood for years. Still, they pass in time. oO
darkness by accident. | read, watched and listened to God knows how much. | also attended every psycho educational group on offer from our national health service. | want to condence everything into a video series. er TTT
Give me a follow, so that you know MLNS IMA) ARM CECLON A BRIM Neel e\e CNM OCOULOM Emel crcl ih EY NCHE Tem OC OMRON (Oa rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… way you'll know when they're ready. . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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—_ Is the Average Person ath Laser Focus,
Determined to live a fulfilling life, | read lots and attended therapy groups. I'd like to condence everything I've learned into a book, video series and a Zoom group style course. Essentially what I'd say to younger self on discharge. Given the chance. @ridingbipolar
If you would, follow my page. That way you'll know when they're made. That will definitely spur me on and be greatly appreciated .. . Likes and shares would be great too @ridingbipolar

… has helped here and there too :): . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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learned for managing Bipolar is this. When | give something my attention, I'm exchanging energy. The movies we play out in our minds eye are everything. Some things drain me but some fill me up. (more in caption) @ridingbipolar
for about 12 years. | felt so lost and out of control at the beginning. | still battle with mood swings. However there are things that have made it more manageable. My mind is set on developing a book, video series and a Zoom course. @ridingbipolar
extreme experiences. Not just how | live with it. Would you be interested? If you would, give me a follow. That way you'll know when they're ready. I'd also greatly appreciate the encouragement. @ridingbipolar

… As would likes and saves tbf. :(: . . . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder  #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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through a Sometimes nea believing that I'm the he and modern day Jesus. @RIDINGBIPOLAR
for a couple of images. Checkout the caption. @ridingbipolar
studied all the strategies | could, to help manage the condition. | read lots and went to psycho educational groups. Any knowledge | could get my hands on. It was clear that my current way wasn't working. @ridingbipolar
video series presenting the best of what I've learnt. | want to take you to the darkest sides of Bipolar and back again. Basically what I'd say to my younger self on discharge from hospital. Try and speed up the road to recovery. @ridingbipolar
Give me a follow, so that you know MLSs) ARE CECLON A The encouragement would be greatly EY CHE eMC OMOLM (Lei rE If you think your followers would be interested, share this to your story. @ridingbipolar

… when I was writing it though :): . . #bipolarmemes #bipolardisoder #bipolardepression #bipolardisorderawareness …

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